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How does it work?

Shower Pouch is a full-body wet wipe that removes body odor and sweat.

The portable wet-wipe leaves you feeling “Shower” fresh after use.

1) Tear open the pouch

2) Wipe your entire body with the 2ft x 1ft cloth

3) Go conquer the world with confidence! 

How much does it cost?

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ShowerPouch  3-pack 


ShowerPouch  3-pack

(Save 15% by choosing the Auto-Reorder option)


ShowerPouch  5-pack 

ShowerPouch  5-pack

(Save 15% by choosing the Auto-Reorder option)


ShowerPouch 10-pack 


ShowerPouch 10-pack

(Save 15% by choosing the Auto-Reorder option) 


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